


I'm wondering how you feel about allowance? Also, I'd like to know how to deal with my children when they want so much for Christmas and I can't afford it. They see some of their friends and relatives getting whatever they want.



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Mouthy Preteen


Do you know what website I could go to or give me some information on how to control my daughter (mouth).She is very verbal when she gets upset. I am divorced, but have been remarried for 5 years, and she is Basically very rude to step father who is more than generous to her, and she still treats him nasty, and in public she is nasty when she gets embarrassed or if things don't go her way. Is it the age, or is the divorce, do I need to get her to counseling, or is this something I can try to fix at home.


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Students Test Me

I have two students that continue to test me and what the consequences will be. I have discussed their behavior with them one on one when we are both calm. We have thought of solutions together. The students have chosen their choice of solution. It would work for a few minutes and then back at it again. Interesting enough a solution has been offered that consists of asking the student to stop. They choose this one and within a few minutes are doing the behaviors again.

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Stories From a Second Grade Teacher

Stories from Stephanie Corvese, second grade teacher, St. Catherine of Siena, Woodbridge (Toronto), Ontario


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School Discipline

I'd like your opinion on the following discipline technique used by one of my 7th grade son's teachers: 
My son's table (4 students) was told to leave the classroom during correction of a test because someone at the table was talking. The teacher knew who was talking. She told all four students that the guilty party needed to come forward and confess or the three non-guilty students needed to confidentially come forward and tell her who was doing the talking. 

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Question 126


I am a teacher of children in 3rd grade and I am taking a graduate class on positive discipline. We have class meetings several times a week and the children show great problem-solving skills while we are still in our circle. However, they make little or no carry over to the actual situations. They revert to their "pre-class meeting" ways of solving problems. Any suggestion, other than constant repetition, of getting them to use the techniques they learned in their class meetings?

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Online Learning

Positive Discipline offers online learning options for parents, teachers, and parent educators. Learn in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. You have unlimited access to our online streaming programs, so you can watch and re-watch the videos as often as you like.