The best way to learn is to teach. And the best way to teach is experientially. We offer Positive Discipline certification training for parent educators, teachers, early childhood educators, and other helping professionals. At the end of this Evidence Based training, you will be certified through the Positive Discipline Association. View the Upcoming Schedule of certification workshops. If you cannot find a workshop that works for your schedule, you may take the independent study options listed below.
International Training: Latin America | China | France | Egypt | Iceland | Greece | Poland | Spain
Parent Educator Certification Training
Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott have completed a Video Training that includes 6 1/2 hours filmed at a live training and requires about 6 1/2 hours of homework to practice the skills in order to receive a certificate as a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator. At the end of this training, you will be ready to lead parenting classes. 13 Hours of CE Credit available.
"Excellent program! I am so very happy I decided to complete this training. It has been an eye opening, rewarding, empowering journey and I can't wait to start leading parenting groups!" — Alissa, Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator
Training Options
Classroom Educator Certification Training
Hundreds of schools worldwide use these amazingly effective Positive Discipline strategies for restoring order and civility in today's turbulent classrooms. Now you too can use this philosophy as a foundation for fostering cooperation, problem-solving skills, and mutual respect. Just imagine, instead spending your time energy trying to manage and control misbehavior, you can enjoy teaching. Instead of confronting apathy, you will enjoy motivated, eager, engaged students! Inside you'll discover how to:
- Create a classroom climate based on community and cooperation that enhances academic learning.
- Use encouragement to increase students’ intrinsic motivation.
- Instill valuable social and emotional life skills and positive behavior through the use of class meetings.
- Understand the motivation behind students' behavior instead of looking for causes.
And much more!
13 Hours of CE Credit available.
Training Options
Positive Discipline for Early Childhood Educators

This two-day interactive workshop is designed for early childhood educators, teachers, and caregivers who work with children from birth to six years of age. (Parents will also find this workshop helpful; however, the focus is on early childhood education.) Participants will learn to apply the principles and tools of Positive Discipline, an Adlerian research-based philosophy, to working with groups of young children. They will also gain a deeper understanding of how young children learn, the importance of belonging and social and emotional learning, and how best to teach those skills in a classroom or care setting. Participants will earn recognition as Certified Positive Discipline Early Childhood Educators and will learn to:
- Create a classroom or care setting where children can develop a sense of belonging and significance based on the importance of contribution and mutual respect.
- Understand how young children learn and how to adapt teaching to the needs of this age group.
- Foster essential social and emotional skills to support development and school readiness, and understand behavior and how to guide it in groups of young children.
- Teach the essential skills for developmentally appropriate participation in class meetings.
- Learn Positive Discipline and Adlerian concepts for use in the classroom, preschool community, and with parents.
Training Options
Empowering People in the Workplace

This three-day workshop developed by Jane Nelsen and Dina Emser, is designed to provide a step-by-step approach to help business professionals understand how to create a culture of mutual respect in the workplace. This program stands alone or offers significant enhancement to other leadership programs; it emphasizes experiential activities based on Positive Discipline principles and tools to inspire deeper understanding and change. Participants say that the Team Problem Solving Steps and the Team Meeting process provide fun and effective ways for them to get specific help with real opportunities and challenges at work.
- Attendees will earn recognition as Certified Empowering People in the Workplace Facilitators and will learn to:
- Deepen understanding of how Alfred Adler’s principles present a timely, holistic model for businesses.
- Deepen understanding of Top Card with a focus on strengths, and learn how to use many other Positive Discipline tools in workplace situations.
- Delve into childhood memories to discover how you formed some of your beliefs.
- Participate in experiential activities for better understanding of how to be encouraging to yourself and others.
- Learn how to facilitate the Team Problem Solving Steps (that are so effective in families, classrooms, and marriages), are also fun and effective in businesses.
- Learn how the Team Meeting process can effectively solve problems and create connection.
- Learn ways to use empowering methods of communication to promote a respectful, highly productive workplace environment.
Training Options
Keeping the Joy in Relationships

The Keeping the Joy in Relationships workshop is fun, enlightening, and packed with experiential activities designed to help Participants improve all relationships through an even deeper understanding and embodiment of Positive Discipline Principles. Whether you have been married for 30 years or are looking for a committed relationship, this workshop provides the tools to establish, strengthen, and rediscover Connection, Passion, and Joy in any relationship. Come alone or with your partner - this workshop is about personal growth and what YOU bring to your relationship. In this workshop you will learn:
- How Positive Discipline (Adlerian) tools can effectively support your relationship.
- How to take responsibility without guilt.
- How to "be" the right person, instead of wanting your partner to "be" the right person.
- What your Lifestyle Priority (Top Card) brings to your relationship.
- How the beliefs formed in your early childhood enhance or challenge your relationship.
- How to understand and speak your partner's love language.
- The Couple's Dialogue Process: Why it is so difficult to really listen, and what to do about it.
- How your relationship affects your children.
- How to listen beyond the words to what your partner really "means" and "needs".
- And many more Positive Discipline tools to bring fun and joy to your relationship.environment.
Training Options