
Question 107


I've got a student whose frequent behavior is slamming books on desks, disrupting other students, giving dirty looks, and calling me a dirty bitch—suggestions please?

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Question 090

Q. Is there any teaching style (i.e. cooperative classroom vs. traditional teacher centered classroom) that is more conducive to a disciplined class when students are lower level and are lacking in the basic social skills?  If you feel that one is better than the other, will you please give a reason for this.

Thank you for your input here.  This idea is one that is important to me and the students in my Encouraging Student Discipline and Responsibility class. 


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Question 088

Q. I wanted to tell you how much the positive discipline techniques have helped my teaching. I experimented with class meetings at the end of the past year. It was a great success. Let me begin by telling you that I teach band. I tried the meetings with my small bands (approx. 25 people). I want to try to have meetings with my high school band, but there are 50 people in that class. I don't know if I have enough time to have meetings with that many people and still get all the work done that I need to get done. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for my situation.

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Question 082

To: Jane Nelsen


Our K-4 elementary school punishes minor infractions with detention. This has come to, for some teachers, standing facing the wall at recess from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the seriousness or number of infractions. Many parents have requested a more constructive method of discipline. Any suggestions?

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Question 081

Dear Jane Nelsen

I am concerned with my daughter's kindergarten teacher saying, "I hear a tattle-teller" when the children bring their problems to her. I feel that this statement negatively labels appropriate behavior for five-year-old children. I would prefer she first listen to the problem, consider offering the children appropriate suggestions, and encourage them to work out the problem themselves if possible.

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Dealing With Impulsivity, Inability to Focus, and On-the-Go Hyperness of a 6-Yr-Old

Since you did not give me specific behaviors, I can only give you a general answer. I don't know what your behavior is like, but as a therapist, I often found that when the parents calmed down so did the children. Parents with hyper children have found that all of the suggestions we make in our Positive Discipline books are the most effective methods to use with these children. It is never easy with hyper children, but repsectful methods can be effective.

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Adaptability and Mood Quality

Help I want her to be happy.



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Using Positive Discipline with Two Boys


I discovered your books about a year ago. I have been trying to implement the positive discipline methods. I love your belief that mistakes are opportunities to learn.

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Positive Discipline in Middle and High Schools


I need examples of ways to use Positive Discipline in the classroom with middle school students. I have 6 periods each day, with 43 minutes each (ridiculous). Class meetings and other strategies need to be applicable for me in that context. Elementary school teachers ways of implementing strategies often don't work because of the revolving door/time problem. Which of your products would help me best?

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Overwhelmed Student Teacher

I am in a school where screaming at all students is the norm. I have a kindergarten assignment and students are humiliated and degraded in efforts to control their behavior. I was able to show some positive discipline techniques to the teacher the first week by modeling and the students had several teachers from their classes call or come into comment on what a great two days they had. However, at the end of the first week, the teacher took off and I had total control of the class. None of my usual stuff worked and there was total chaos.

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Online Learning

Positive Discipline offers online learning options for parents, teachers, and parent educators. Learn in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. You have unlimited access to our online streaming programs, so you can watch and re-watch the videos as often as you like.