
Complaints and Sandbags


I've been reading with interest your website and hope you can help me. We are a family of 4, Mom Dad and 2 boys ages 7 and 10. My 10-year-old is the one I am having problems with. Everything seems to be chore for him.

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ADD or Personality Difference?


I have a 7 year old son. He is handsome, kind, and very intelligent. The problem is that he can't sit still in class. He is often out of his seat, making noises, whistling, not paying attention, not staying on task and not completing his classroom assignments.

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Teacher Punishes Whole Class


I am a parent of a 5th grader. There are 30 students in this classroom and the teacher is having a lot of difficulty controlling them. He has resorted to punishing the whole class because several of the students are "misbehaving". My son has not been the cause of this teacher's frustration but has been the recipient of his wrath.

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The Significant Seven

Every human being is born with the potential to become the world's most capable creature, not with the capabilities themselves. Unlike the amoeba, which is capable of functioning at its full potential from creation, humans acquire their capabilities primarily through apprenticeship: young human beings learn from those who have preceded them. When this apprenticeship is adequate, their toolboxes of life, which were empty at birth, are filled with the essential tools for effective living. In times of change, these tools, which we call life resources, are particularly critical.

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"My child whines and it is driving me crazy. Punishment and bribery haven't worked. Does it sound like I'm whining? Please help!"

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4.5 year old who talks back


How should I handle a 4.5 year old who talks back to me?

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Laughter at Discipline


My husband and I bought your book "Positive Discipline A to Z" about two years ago and we have referred to it from time to time. It has helped here and there. However, there seems to be one thing I can't find in the book. Our two younger children laugh when we try to discipline them.

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Weaning from the Pacifier

I would like to know if you have any suggestions as to how to help get my children (21/2 and 41/2 years old) off of using a pacifier.

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Control or Cooperation

Are you trying to gain control over children or with children? Trying to gain control over children is hard. It takes constant effort. You have to be very vigilant to police the action of children so you can implement your control tactics—usually punishment and rewards. You have to catch children being “good” so you can reward them and catch them being “bad” so you can mete out the punishment. It never ends—and what happens when you are not around? If you are very good at being in control over children what have they learned? Have they learned self-discipline, respect for self and others, responsibility, problem-solving skills, cooperation?

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Positive Discipline in Egypt

Lynn Lott and I have been overwhelmed (in a good way), and excited about the spread of our Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way DVD Training. It has now been purchased in 50 countries.

We were delighted to receive these photos from a group of women in Egypt practicing the experiential activities to receive their certificate as Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educators.

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Online Learning

Positive Discipline offers online learning options for parents, teachers, and parent educators. Learn in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. You have unlimited access to our online streaming programs, so you can watch and re-watch the videos as often as you like.