
Money as a Means of Discipline


How do you feel about using money as a means of disciplining children? My ex-wife has developed a system of "Stars and De-merits" with our children—6 and 8 yrs old. They are awarded for good behavior with stars or dollars, and when misbehaving they receive demerits and money is taken away

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Disrespectful Children


How should I handle a 4.5 year old who talks back to me?

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Disciplining 1st and 2nd graders in school


I teach 1st and 2nd grade (combined class). I am having trouble finding inventive ways to control the chatter while I (or a student) am trying to talk. Please help!

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Behavior modification


I am a fifth grade teacher and I am looking for help in developing some individual behavior plans for three children in my room. One child in particular has many difficulties interacting with the other children in a positive manner.

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Do you have any articles on School Code of Conduct?


I am on a committee in a Junior High School (Grade 7-9) for the purpose of developing a code of conduct for the students to follow.

Some of the issues we wish to address: behavior between classes (in the corridors), behavior on the school bus (I have read your article about bus behavior on your home page), giving/showing respect, and consequences of negative behavior

I was hoping to get ideas from other schools and professionals to present to the committee members in preparing our own code of conduct.

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How do you handle a 9 year old boy who defecates in his pants during the school day (each day) with no medical cause identified?

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Fooling Around During Class Meetings


Yesterday afternoon I knew I needed an easy afternoon as I was feeling a bit ill. At 12:20 I told the students that we were going to have a class meeting. Then we would go outside for recess. That would probably be about 12:40. Then we would come in about 1:05 and go to library. We didn't finish the class meeting until 12:55. They were not happy about having a 5 minute recess.

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Child Won't Listen in Daycare


I work at a daycare with 3-5 year olds. I have a child in my class that does not listen to me most of the time. She is not phased by any of my discipline ideas. I am running out of ideas. Do you have suggestions about what I should do, or any new discipline ideas that I can use. I would like some new ideas. I hope you can help. Thanks Chris

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Dealing With a Strong-Willed Child


I like your ideas. I use them at home most of the time. Can you give me some ideas for a very stubborn child. She is so intense in playing and singing and dancing that I can hardly get her to stop long enough to dress or eat or listen to me. She is a sweet child and intelligent. I don't want to spank her or yell at her to get her to do what she needs to do on time. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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Need Approval


I have a 5.5-year-old only son. He is in kindergarten. I spend a lot of time on his wants and needs (as well as my own and my family). He is bright and nice, etc, etc. There is an area in which I am not sure how to proceed. He seems to be more needy of approval and inclusion than his classmates - or maybe I just notice it in him more.

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Online Learning

Positive Discipline offers online learning options for parents, teachers, and parent educators. Learn in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. You have unlimited access to our online streaming programs, so you can watch and re-watch the videos as often as you like.