
Child Fighting With Friends


"My child seems to fight a lot with her friends. How can I help her?"

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Nap Time Battles

I am desperate to teach my 5 1/2 month old son to nap during the day. He sleeps fairly well through the night (usually sleeping about six hours, waking up for a feed, then sleeping another four or five hours), but during the day he will NOT nap.

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I Can't Do It!

I have a student in my kindergarten class who is constantly saying "I can't do it". This applies to everything from taking off her shoes to doing work. She has a difficult time following directions, and rarely does what she is asked to do.

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Special Time With Your Teenager

When your child becomes a teenager, it is not uncommon for them to become defiant. They will often contradict you and even try to sabotage your best efforts to create a harmonious family life. This can be very discouraging to parents and usually results in constant power struggles.

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Positive Time Out

In many of our books we talk about "Positive Time Out." There are several points that need to be made regarding time out for children who have not yet reached the age of reason:

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Rude to Grandparents


Hi! I just attended Jane's Positive Discipline Seminar and I have her book, Positive Discipline for Preschoolers next to my bed. I love all your material and it has begun to save my relationship with my 5 year old son. I say begun to save, because we're having to undo so much of what we thought we were supposed to be doing in the name of discipline, but at least we're trying and some things are turning around. 

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Hitting A-Z and More


I have a son who will be 4 in two weeks and a 13-month-old son. The oldest has been through a series of hitting phases since the spring. I have read 3 of your books, and was relieved to learn that I already use much of the positive discipline style. He will often hit or push his brother, myself, dad, or other children.

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Aggressive Preschooler


Apparently for the past "few weeks" my almost 3-year-old has been pushing and shoving his classmates in his preschool. Today the teacher told me that he poked a little girl in the face and made her cry then refused to look at her when the teacher asked him to tell her he was sorry. I don't know why she didn't tell me this when it first started happening, so I'm not sure exactly when it started. The teacher says there is generally no interaction between my son and the victim prior to the pushing/shoving/hitting. He's just spontaneously doing it.

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Aggressive Sibling


I have a happy easy going five-year-old boy who recently started hitting and scratching his 2 ½ year-old sister and behaving much more defiant. I try not to react with anger—which it really does make me, because my siblings and I fought often and never learned to not hit, we went to school with scabs on our arms from scratching each other.

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Six Year Old Talks Too Much


I have a 6yr old son in kindergarten. He is constantly getting in trouble for talking. I have done just about everything I know to do to quiet him. I know children like to talk, but this is really getting out of control.

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Online Learning

Positive Discipline offers online learning options for parents, teachers, and parent educators. Learn in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. You have unlimited access to our online streaming programs, so you can watch and re-watch the videos as often as you like.