Any suggestions?
Fraught and heartbroken
Dear Fraught and Heartbroken,
My heart breaks for you and for your kids. AND, you are in a very good place because of your awareness and desire to change. It is difficult to tell you which book might be best, so let me tell you a little about two of them and you decide. The Positive Discipline for Stepfamilies eBook is good because it provides lots of tools, and also addresses the challenges of step-parenting.
Positive Discipline for Teenagers is excellent for families with teens. It focuses not only on the challenges of parenting teens. The focus is on understanding their individuation process instead of taking everything personally, and focusing on solutions instead of engaging in power struggles.
The 25th year anniversary edition of Positive Discipline is excellent, but it does cover younger children too. However, many of the tools suggested for use with younger children are very appropriate with teens. One of the big concepts I included in this new edition is for parents and teachers to take responsibility (not blame or shame) for how they help create many of the behavior challenges they face. Every Positive Discipline book includes many tools. In this book I created a summary of every tool that was covered in each chapter.
I will say that the Step Family book is extremely cost effective. What would you have to lose if you found even one idea that is helpful? And, I know you will find many.
Many people purchase more than one book because they all have some different information (and some repeats), and most of us parents need as much reprogramming as we can get.
I wish you the best,