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Positive Discipline offers online learning options for parents, teachers, and parent educators. Learn in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. You have unlimited access to our online streaming programs, so you can watch and re-watch the videos as often as you like.
commented on Thu 24 Dec 2020I live in Korea. I look forward to this process.
commented on Fri 18 Jun 2021thank you
commented on Tue 14 Sep 2021I know positive discipline when my first daughter was 6 months, however, I did not choose to learn this. Now, my first daughter is 6 -year-old and my second daugter is 4-year-old. I realized that is really urgent for me to start this learning process. Hope I could enjoy my journey here. thanks.
commented on Wed 26 Oct 2022I started a new journey in my career to help parents in all positive way to impact on to their children and i really hope this course will shade new light on my path.
commented on Thu 16 Feb 2023对于一个来自中国,英语不怎么样的妈妈,拿到这一堆资料,我是迷茫的,不知道从哪里开始,不知道怎么用,看了几本正面管教的中文书,再逐字翻译最薄的那几个材料后,已经是几个月以后了,才有了一点眉目,现在终于可以开始配书学习视频,非常期待,也希望自己能在3个月内拿到证书,加油!
commented on Sun 14 May 2023我也是 可以一起学习吗
commented on Fri 15 Sep 2023你好,我也是中国昆明的,去年12月份报名至今,还没有开始answer sheet, 我们一起约着学习吧,有个伴,会更有动力
commented on Wed 10 May 2023I'm working mom at home. I have read the Positive Discipline book before taking this course. I know I will gain more in this learning journey than I read by myself! Hope I become a better mom parenting at home and may have a chance to help some other partents and kids.