Connection is a key concept of Positive Discipline, and 2019 was all about connecting with people around the world who are creating respectful relationships in homes and schools. Read the stories below about some of our highlights this past year.

Positive Discipline in Medellín, Colombia
On October 19th, during Jane Nelsen´s visit to Medellín, a mandatory law was signed to implement Positive Discipline all around the city as a preventive strategy of domestic violence and child abuse. This law was passed after two years implementing Positive Discipline in Medellín, Colombia as part of the government program of the first lady Margarita Gömez and the mayor Federico Gutiérrez. This decision was made after getting powerful evidence from surveys and testimonies that showed 98% of the families attending parenting classes had stopped using physical and psychological violence to raise their children.
A special thank you to Maria Alejandra Betancur and Ana María Reyes, Positive Discipline Trainers who have trained the team of facilitators for the First Lady's program.

Sarah Joseph, a Positive Discipline Certified Trainer, facilitated Positive trainings for parents and teachers at the Kisumu Branch of Kenya National Library Services. Thank you to Robert Omwa, a Beacon Teacher, for organizing and hosting these events.
Following the training the Beacon Teacher Founder and Minister of Health, set up an online meeting and shared their intention to work with the Ministry of Education to implement Positive Discipline in homes and schools in Kenya as well as 5 other nearby countries in Africa.
Latin America

The first Latin American Conference and Think Tank was held in Lima, Peru. The weekend started with a Public Conference, followed by two full days of experiential sessions in both Spanish and English with Spanish translation for Certified Positive Discipline Facilitators.
Attendees came from many Latin America countries including: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. Facilitators from Puerto Rico, Spain, France, and the United States were also in attendance.

Dedicated and passionate certified facilitators in Iran are now translating materials and teaching classes for parents and teachers. We are so grateful that Positive Discipline is able to connect people through the common desire for belonging and significance.

Positive Discipline has been enthusiastically received in China. Events for facilitators last May sold out 300 seats in 17 minutes. As the official Positive Discipline publisher, Beijing Tianlue Books Co., Ltd. hosts the events for certified facilitators. Keeping up with the growth has been challenging, but the connections being made are well worth the effort.

Egypt became an official Positive Discipline Affiliate in 2019. The Arab Positive Discipline Conference was held in Egypt last April.
Positive Discipline in Many More Countries!
We have Certified Positive Discipline Facilitators in over 60 countries. We wish we could list them all. Click Here to search for a facilitator in your country.

Would You Like To Be Certified?
We have many certification workshops scheduled around the world, as well as independent study options. If you are passionate about creating respectful relationships, click on the link below for upcoming dates and locations.