Positive Discipline A-Z - A 1001 Solutions to Everyday Parenting Problems

SKU: B108

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List price: $18.99
Price: $14.99



As a parent, you face one of the most challenging and rewarding roles of your life. No matter how much you love your child, there will still be moments filled with anger, frustration, and, at times, desperation. What do you do? Over the years, millions of parents just like you have come to trust the Positive Discipline series for its consistent, commonsense approach to child rearing. In this completely updated edition of Positive Discipline AZ, you will learn how to use methods to raise a child who is responsible, respectful, and resourceful. You'll find practical solutions to such parenting challenges as:

  • Sibling Rivalry
  • Bedtime Hassles
  • School Problems
  • Getting Chores Done
  • ADHD
  • Eating Problems
  • Procrastination
  • Whining
  • Tattling and Lying
  • Homework Battles
  • And Dozens More!




This book stays on my bed, and I read and reread a little each night. It has positively helped me with my granddaughter, but also with all my other relationships. The examples in the book give you ideas on how to handle everything. Foe example, the ideas for handling a cell phone are wonderful, and I know they will lead to a stronger, more responsible child who can look forward to mastering life. Now, mom has a copy, as does dad. Highly recommend.

Posted 09/19/2013


Very good book, for Parents, Grandparents etc. Very informative and gives solutions to try for any kind of issue you can think of...

Posted 09/03/2013

Learning before I child arrives

My husband and I learned of this book while taking courses, Parents As Tender Healers, to become foster parents. We have no children and we have not had a child live with us 24/7 for more then 2 weeks. So, we are reading this book in advance of getting a foster child in our home. The book has been a great read and has opened our eyes to a more positive way of disciple.

Posted 05/17/2013

Positive Discipline A-Z

I love Positive Discipline A-Z because it's so practical. The first part of the book gives a quick overview of the Positive Discipline philosophy. But the rest of the book goes in-depth into many individual, easily referenced topics and gives reasons why a behavior may be occuring and then a number of practical suggestioons on how to handle the situation. Thank you for another wonderful book, Dr. Nelsen! :)

Posted 11/01/2012

Positive Discipline A-Z

Great book, made a perfect fit for implementing these types of strategies for my toddler. I have recommended this book to my sisters, since it covers from toddlers to kids(teens). I didn't realize all the wrong approaches I was making, until I read this book.

Posted 09/06/2011
Kimberly Gonsalves


This is a fabulous book for quick and easy reference. I love the way it's organized, with a topic, then a suggestion for dealing with the problem. The examples are real, comprehensive, and give quite a bit of information. Due to its organization by topic, it never takes long to get a quick "idea list". Read a little, or read it all, depending on your need. It's also a great way to understand the reasoning behind the principles. Tremendously useful!

Posted 04/04/2011

Online Learning

Positive Discipline offers online learning options for parents, teachers, and parent educators. Learn in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. You have unlimited access to our online streaming programs, so you can watch and re-watch the videos as often as you like.